
Taken with Canon 5D Mark IV

New York City

I’m currently a college student at Fordham University living in Bronx, New York. A primary incentive in choosing Fordham was the city environment which is a big inspiration to help me enhance my photographic skills, and portfolio. I find that the city usually does half the work for a photographer, so I continue to use it as a beacon of creativity.

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Much of my portraiture experience originated from doing shoots of friends, family, and classmates and has blossomed into a pillar of my portfolio. I often enjoy/find myself incorporating a theatrical aspect to my portraiture to make a more captivating image. In doing so, I am able to create an enticing piece of art and help bring the subject into my creative mindset. I also find subjects more satisfied with their appearance when presented in a refreshing light.

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Lights Please

Taken with Canon 5D Mark IV


Taken with Canon 5D Mark IV


I often find myself gravitating toward the uncharted areas of my camera and my body of work. I love finding ways to enhance the dramatic or creative effect of an image. Much of the motivation behind photography for me is to be able to create or portray a reality that couldn’t be conceived without the camera. By not allowing my mind to unearth different aspects of the art I would be putting a limit on that.

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Travel photography has always helped me expand my photographic perspective. I think that two perspectives/cultures coming together to create, find a better result than doing so separately. Thus, traveling made me realize how important this exposure is to improving and elevating my photography.

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Taken with Canon 5D Mark IV